Poll Commissioners
Darren P. Lombard, Clerk of Criminal District of Orleans Parish is the chief election officer of the parish. Also, the clerk is the ex officio (custodian) of voting machines. In addition to other duties vested in him by law, the clerk:
- Qualifies candidates for Municipal elections.
- Provides instruction of election commissioners and issuance of certificates of instruction.
- Notifies candidates in each election of the date and time when they may examine the voting machines.
- Certify public counters are set at zero on the machines, and certify to the number on the protective counter of the machines prior to an election.
- Supervise and have custody of the machines from the time they taken from the warehouse for distribution to the polling places until the machines are turned over to the election commissioners and from the time the machines are surrendered by the election commissioners until they are returned to the Secretary of State at the warehouse.
- Notify candidates of the date, time and place of the opening of machines and supervise the opening of machines.
Poll Commissioner Instruction Video
Poll Commissioner Instruction Manual
Each election, the clerk of court’s elections department must staff and manage various polling locations in neighborhoods throughout Orleans Parish. This requires the work and commitment of nearly NEED A NUMBER election commissioners who must be trained to manage the complexities of the voting process.
Election commissioners are essential to the success of any election, but in Orleans Parish there are never enough capable, committed residents willing to do their civic duty and work as a Poll Worker on Election Day. It is vital that more citizens participate in the electoral process at the precinct level.
Elections cannot be successful without active citizen participation. The elections department encourages all citizens of Orleans Parish to get involved in making sure YOUR elections are run as effectively and efficiently as possible.
To be an election commissioner, one must:
- Be a registered voter who does not require assistance in voting;
- Not have been convicted of an election offense enumerated in Chapter 10, Title 18 Louisiana Revised Statutes;
- Attend a training course and pass a test.
An election commissioner receives:
- A stipend of $200.00;
- A great opportunity to support his/her community;
How to become a commissioner?
An interested voter should go to www.sos.la.gov, click Elections & Voting, next click Become an Election Worker.
Below are the links to the class, test and Pamphlet.